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Mayor Jeff Sellers

Second Term, 2022-2025

The mayor is the head official of the town and is in charge of overseeing the day-to-day operation and ensures that public services are efficiently delivered to meet the community's needs. This includes overseeing the town employees, and the council.  The mayor presides over all town council meetings, and only votes when there is a tie amongst the council.

Get in Touch

540 Church Street | P.O. Box 89
Wilkeson, WA 98396

Phone: 360-601-0748
Fax: 360-829-4292

Mayors of Wilkeson

As written on the website: In the spring of 1909, the people of Wilkeson initiated a campaign to incorporate a local municipal government. Growth had created new problems, and area residents resented paying a total of some $5,000 a year in taxes to Pierce County while local concerns went unaddressed. In May, 111 citizens signed a petition asking county commissioners for an election. Their request was granted and, on July 14, The Tacoma Times reported that the people of "Wilkeson, Hope and Briar Hill voted to incorporate as the city of Wilkeson" by the resounding vote of 71 to 6 ("Wilkeson Is Incorporated"). The voters also chose T. M. Edwards, the owner of a downtown shoe store, as the first mayor. Residents celebrated as the incorporation took effect, and the Town of Wilkeson came into existence, on July 18, 1909. 

In 115 years time the Town of Wilkeson has been led by 20 Mayors below are stories and profiles of each to hold position of the Mayor of Wilkeson. 

T.M. Edwards

  The Tacoma Times reported that the people of "Wilkeson, Hope and Briar Hill voted to incorporate as the city of Wilkeson" by the resounding vote of 71 to 6 ("Wilkeson Is Incorporated"). The voters also chose T. M. Edwards, the owner of a downtown shoe store, as the first mayor. 


Wilkeson Incorporation

August Abraham 1921-1923


H.R.E Nelson 1942-1960



H.E. Rude Nelson Park, dedicated to the service of Mayor Nelson a pocket park on the corner of Hill & Church Street


Wilkeson Arch Moved to Rude Nelson Park

Gino Fabiani 1973-1977


Gino Fabiani 1983-1989


Doug Paulsen 2002-2005


Robert "Bob" Walker 2014-2017


Joseph McCasky 1913-1916

Friday, May 26, 1916—Superior Judge Easterday last Tuesday sentenced Mayor Joseph McCaskey of Wilkeson $100 and costs of the trial and ten days in the county jail, he having been convicted of selling intoxicating liquors at his drug store in Wilkeson.


Wilkeson Mayor Jailed

Ellis Roberts 1923-1937


Martin Thawsh 1960-1971


Rosemarie "Cookie" Howard 1978-1982

Wilkeson's first female mayor!

Richard Sellers 1990-1997


Janet E. Kepka 2006-2009


Jeff Sellers 2018-Present


Ellis Roberts

Ellis William Roberts was born on 21 January 1859, in Penarth, Glamorgan, Wales, United Kingdom. Employed as a coal miner in the Wilkeson. Died on 26 March 1938, in Wilkeson, Pierce, Washington, United States, at the age of 79, and was buried in Wilkeson, Washington.


Ellis Burial Record

Max Wehr 1937-1942


George Hreha 1971-1973


Scott Barclay 1982-1983


Paula Perry 1998-2001


Donna Hogerhuis 2010-2013


Historic Town of Wilkeson

Gateway to Carbon Glacier & Mount Rainier National Park

540 Church Street | P.O. Box 89 Wilkeson, WA 98396
Phone: 360-829-0790
Fax: 360-829-4292

Monday-Thursday 7 am- 5 pm

Closed Fridays & Federal Holidays

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