Water& Sewer
The Town of Wilkeson Municipal Water System has a total of 571 equivalent residential connections (ERU).
This number is determined by the Washington State Department of Health.
Currently Wilkeson has 374 ERU’s in use and 197 available connections able to be sold before our capacity is met.
Water Availability
Utility Billing Information
Utility Billings are disbursed on the first working day of each month. The billing entails previous month’s usage from the first day of the month to the last day of that month, inclusive.
Commercial/Business meters are read every month. Residential meters are read every other month. Both Commercial and Residential customers are charged monthly base water fees, if a meter is present at the location, whether meter is active or not. Sewer and storm sewer fees are a flat monthly rate. Residential consumption is charged every other month. So the usage charge, when applicable, equals 2 months consumption.
Utility bills mailed out on the first of the month are due by the 25th day of the same month. (January 1st billing is due January 25th.)
When is the utility bill delinquent?
If utility payment is not received by the second month due date (January 1st bill not paid by February 25th), then the bill becomes delinquent and a $7.50 late charge is incurred. If the bill is then not paid by the 14th on the third month (January 1st bill not paid by March 14th) then the service is disconnected and a $75 reconnect fee is incurred. Entire balance, on the account, would then have to be paid before service is restored.
New Accounts
The Town of Wilkeson provides water to all residents. Sewer and storm water drainage is provided to most residents of Wilkeson. Check with town hall to see if your address has all the amenities.
New home owners MUST come to the Town Hall, show identification, and paperwork showing ownership of the residence before we can continue water service and change ownership of utilities at the address. No deposit is required.
Renters must have permission from owner/landlord to put the utilities in their own name and MUST pay a deposit before we can continue utility service at the address.
The current deposit for renters is $240.00.There is a $5.00 new account admin fee which will be charged on the first month’s bill for all new accounts.​​​
Cross Connect Survey
This survey letter was sent out in the April billing and MUST be completed and returned to the Town of Wilkeson by all water service customers connected to our public water supply. This survey will help us prevent accidental contamination of our drinking water system. The purpose of this survey is to determine whether a cross-connection may exist at your home or business. If you have not returned this completed survey yet, please download and print and return to us immediately.
You may mail the survey to P.O. Box 89, Wilkeson, WA 98396, you may include it with your water bill; or fax it to (360)829-4292, as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, call (360)829-0790 between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
Download the letter here: Cross Connect Letter
Proposed Housing Development, Outside of Wilkeson
As of May 24th, 2021
Currently, there is a proposed development requesting 74 water connections. The property is located in unincorporated Pierce County. Therefore, the water portion is the only aspect of the project the Town of Wilkeson has jurisdiction over. All other decisions will be made by Pierce County Planning and Land Services division.
To date, Pierce County has not received this developer’s application for the proposed development. The application will be for a proposed Preliminary Plat with State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) review. That proposed plat and SEPA review will require the developer complete the following items:
Impact Studies
Storm Water
Critical Areas
Septic Design Approval through Tacoma Pierce County Health Department
Community Input
Public Comment- allowing people to call or email a specific contact at Pierce County, that will be responsible for fielding and retaining the comment received.
Any member of the public may request Pierce County hold a community meeting here in Town to go over the information and receive comments in person.
This is a developing item and as more information is available, updates will be made here.